Me, meeting friends: Mr. O. Schuberth... |

...Mr. R. Penalba + Mr. F.U. Etzrodt... |

...Mr. J. Brosig... (see his own report
here in German) |

...Mrs. J. Haeussler + Mr. you know... |

...and Mr. Fakir J. Kauk (now meditating), who will run barefoot... |

...always behind Mrs. you know. |

Friends meeting friends, talking before the race. |

We all have this official VIP Lounge tattoo. |

The big screen will always show how far we have run already. |

Special filtered water for the runners... |

...distributed here. |

...down the stairs... |

...around the 180° curves... |

...along the alley... |

...and more alley... |

...around the 90° food curve... |

...have a drink or a snack. |

Not a bedroom. This is the stairs. |

No go area? But I need a bush ! |

Oops, I am lost. Dead end street ! Its a bit a labyrinth. |

Back on the trail: Two way traffic. |

Mr. O. Smallfoot (its his real name). |

Mr. R. Penalba fighting all the obstacles... |

...like this sexy girl in white skirt (Mrs. A. Kinle from
Down-Syndrom run club) |

Heavy traffic all over... |

...even really big trucks... That is dangerous! |

High risk of life: Race cars crossing! |

Some car must have gone across his bleeding feet! |

Mr. F.U. Etzrodt also hit by something, had to get out of the
marathon (really). |

They are lucky, because they dont run? |

He also was in danger... |

...little Mr. T.B. Kinle. But he survived it (member of Down
Syndrom run club). |

That is maximum danger. Attacks by bears and elephants! You
see? |

And also agressive big birds! |

That is serious! Says also Mrs. A. Kinle. |

A group of crazy people tries to block our way... |

...even want to hit us with sticks ! |

Co-organisator Mr. T. Kinle + organisator Mrs. P. Schuster are happy
nobody died. |

Mother saved daughter from the animal attack. |

The reporter + Mrs. you know: Two of the lucky 130 survivors. |

She survived. What does Mrs. J. Haeussler say? |

Price giving for the Down Syndrom team. |

Money for the first 3 ladies. |

The Heroes. Didn't I say marathon is dangerous? |

He survived, because he was faster than the cars. |

She survived because she was smaller than the others. |

The nurses from PhysioRelax are taking care... |

...of the runners that were hit by something. |

Only cake can make Mr. O. Smallfoot happy in the end... |

...now, as this marathon is over. |

Mr. R. Penalba has exactly the same opinion. |

And so does Mrs. J. Haeussler, the fastest mouse outside of Mexico. |
Now be prepared for the very sad part.
One could not be here 2009.
Mr. Z. Pumuckl, the
barfoot runner from 2008.
So "in memoriam" I took off my shoes
and went 1 round for him.

Like Mr. Z. Pumuckl in 2008, I run barefoot... |

...because we miss him! |